Power of the Pelvis

The Pelvis is your motor centre. And directly connected to the low back. A connection that is often missed out in our picture of the back. Which results in trying to rethink back problems without including the pelvis. Something that is unlikely to be successful for anyone.

Even in the first weeks of life, a baby, through pushing against the floor begins to feel its connections to the pelvis. It might look like it’s not doing anything, but life starts with needing to find its self image in a new environment.

Out of the womb, pressure against the floor helps the baby to feel its edges. To sense itself in relation to its new environment, and gravity. Very different to the first 9 months of gestation suspended in liquid in the womb. Interestingly, even in adulthood, this ability to feel ourself in relationship to the outside world is important. Our proprioception helps us feel where we start and end: what’s us, what’s outside of us.

What can we control, what’s outside of our control?

The pelvis makes the connection downwards to the feet, and upwards to the torso, shoulders, arms and head. If we can’t feel our pelvis we aren’t ever going to be able to access our full power. And it’s unlikely that we’ll have optimal breathing either.

We’re going back to early days this week, re-visiting our first weeks and months to rediscover our pelvis and its place in the skeleton. Lessons that are both simple and powerful. I look forwards to sharing them with you.

This term we’ll be focussing in on improving our sense of our skeleton, especially our spine. Expect improved movement of your head, neck, shoulders, back, and the rest of you, if you join us!

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