Finding the hip joints

If you can’t feel where your hip joints are, you can’t organise them well. We need to be able to locate to control. It’s why body mapping is part of what we improve in every Feldenkrais lesson.

What distinguishes Feldenkrais from other methods is the use of movement to help you sense yourself in movement.

When we move, the nerves in the spindles (the ends) of the muscles send feedback to the brain. So it’s easier to feel ourself in motion than stillness.

Moving slowly gives you the opportunity to sense yourself more clearly. To feel the connections, both skeletal and muscular, that otherwise you might miss, when moving a faster, more “action speed”.

If you’re looking to learn something new, slowing down is the easiest way to lock into a learning paradigm. You’re moving to sense yourself, to improve brain connections. Rather than movement to exercise, or increase muscle bulk. One is only brawn, the other improves our brains!

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